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Monday, May 24, 2010

Practical 1.1 RSS reader....

This is my 1st practical log... its about the RSS reader. RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication", and it allows the latest news from peoples' website to be automatcially updated to your reader website, when you subscribe them. If you want to have your own RSS reader, first...

sign up a reader account(e.g. google reader...), in this case i will be using a google reader account which you can sign up at www.google.com/reader........

After you have signed up...... this will be what you see......

Currently you won't have any news.... to subscribe a website just click on the "Add a subscription" button as shown in the screenshot above. Then a box will appear as shown in the next screenshot....

Next.,.,.,. enter the home address or URL of the website in the box and then click the "Add" button next to it..... Wala!!! you have successfully subscribe to a website and created your first RSS reader..... The news from the subscribed website will appear on the right side of your webpage as shown in the next screenshot...

And just in case you have added a wrong website and you want to get rid of it.... go to the top right of your webpage...next to your email address, click on the "Settings" button and then click on reader settings, the click on the Subscribtion tab.... It will bring you to the next screenshot.....

Then just check the box next to the subscribed website you want to delete and click on the "Unsubscribe" button.

OK.......now...... I will show an example of what the RSS reader can do......
From one of the articles I have got from a subscribed website, the article was posted on 20th may 2010.... Its about hackers penetrating german underground carder forum and uploading all the confidential infos such as passwords, IDs, IP addresses... and etc. onto Rapidshare,,,,, allowing other hackers to exploit it... The hackers make use of softwares such as keyloggers to safe all the passwords and private email addresses entered by the victims.

I think that this RSS reader thingy is very useful for people who requires information from the internet asap such as big businessmen, this RSS reader will shorten the time users spent on the internet searching for the latest news. So hopefully everyone will make use of this useful function nicely...... :) :) :)

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